Joomla Template PixelParadise Hotchocolate We released "Hot Choclate", a new fixed width (optimized for screenresolutions of 1024x768 or more) commercial template for Joomla 1.5.x. It is a agency/product site styled, clean and fast loading multi purpose template and can be used for a width range of webprojects, like freelancer homepages, blogs, smaller company sites and more. The package includes the used, ready sliced and layered .psd Photoshop source file, the templates installation files and a small documentation.
Template Features
* xhtml 1.0 and CSS 2.0 valid code * Joomla 1.5 native version * no tables used * full sliced and layered Photoshop CS+ source included * lightweight and fast loading
Joomla Template PixelParadise Whiterabbit We released "Whiterabbit", a new fixed width (optimized for screenresolutions of 1024x768 or more) commercial template for Joomla 1.5.x. It is a dark styled, clean and fast loading multi purpose template and can be used for a width range of webprojects, like agency homepages, product sites, smaller company sites and more. The package includes the used, ready sliced and layered .psd Photoshop source file, the templates installation files and a small documentation.
Template Features
* xhtml 1.0 and CSS 2.0 valid code * Joomla 1.5 native version * no tables used * full sliced and layered Photoshop CS+ source included * lightweight and fast loading
Joomla Template PixelParadise SmallRobot fixed width (optimized for screenresolutions of 1024x768 or more) commercial template for Joomla 1.5.x. It is a bright styled, clean and fast loading multi purpose template and can be used for a width range of webprojects, like agency homepages, product sites, smaller company sites and more. The package includes the used, ready sliced and layered .psd Photoshop source file, the templates installation files and a small documentation.
Joomla Template Rockettheme Versatility 4 The all new Versatility 4 features the most incredibly versatile Joomla! template design ever conceived. This is not a boast, it’s fact! With 45 module positions, a plethora of preset configuration options, up to 7 layout columns, a wide array of banner and block advertising locations, 10 module variations, and 4 unique menu styles for each of the 10 preset color styles; Versatility 4 has more than enough power and flexibility for any professional site.
Along with the wide array of layout and flexibility options, Versatility 4 also features powerful dynamic functionality including RokNewsRotator article slideshows, multi-position Rokslide tabbed modules, RokMooMenu animated menu system, 3 tier SplitMenu system, a large assortment of typography options, and so much more.
Versatility 4 Color Styles Custom Modules Module Positions
* Unbelievable 45 Module Positions * RokNewsRotator article slideshow * Integrated multi-position tabbed modules * CSS Based Tableless Design * 10 Unique preset color styles built-in * Up to a 7 column layout configuration * 3 Built-in Menu Systems * Wide variety of Typography Styles * Source Adobe PNG Source Files Included * W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
Incredibly Flexible and Versatile
Versatility 4 offers the most module positions and layout configurations of any template we’ve ever created. 45 module positions, a plethora of banner and block advertising locations, as well as up to 7 columns allow Versatility 4 to adapt to nearly any configuration you could want. Mixing and matching module positions, module hilite variations, and configuration options allow you to create hundreds of different looks and layouts with a single template.
The RokNewsRotator Module
Using the powers of mootools, you can seamlessly showcase your articles in a dynamic slideshow with navigation controls and multiple configuration options. Give your featured articles a great presentation with RokNewsRotator.
Joomla Template Rockettheme Vertigo The exciting new Vertigo template takes style and design to a whole new level. This powerful template features a stunning new ‘Parallax’ motion effect with multi-layered artwork, providing a breathtaking amount of depth and visual distinctiveness for any site.
Vertigo also features a clean and stylistic layout with a wide variety of configuration options, module positions, layout options, as well as functional features like the integrated multi-position tabbed modules system and the fully featured RokMooMenu animated menu system. Whether you want an amazing visually stunning look for your site, or a simple and clean approach, Vertigo is the perfect template for any project.
Vertigo Color Styles Custom Modules Module Positions
* Exciting new Parallax Motion Effects * 6 Stunning Preset Artwork Styles * Integrated multi-position tabbed modules * CSS Based Tableless Design * 32 Versatile Module Positions * 7 Unique Module Variations * 3 Built-in Menu Systems * Wide variety of Typography Styles * Source Adobe PNG Source Files Included * W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
Amazing New Parallax Motion Artwork
Vertigo features a brand new Parallax motion effect with multi-layered artwork, creating brilliant and stunning scenes for each preset color style. Powered by mouse movement as well as browser window resizing, the showcase area of the template displays a moving scene with incredible depth and style to give your site and featured content that extra bit of eye candy.
Multiple configuration options are available to allow for control over how the showcase area is displayed on your site. You can both reduce the amount of imagery, as well as disable the showcase artwork and parallax motion effect all together for sites or pages needing a cleaner approach.
Incredibly Flexible and Versatile
Vertigo offers a wide array of module positions and layout configurations for displaying your content. 32 module positions, collapsing columns and module positions, and a lean css based layout provide a multitude of layout options. Mixing and matching module positions, module hilite variations, and configuration options allow you to create a great many different looks and layouts with just a single template.
Joomla Template Rockettheme MixxMag 1.5.2 Mixxmag is the first of our dedicated 1.5 only templates, using the full power of the Joomla 1.5 framework. The amazing template override facility is in full effect, combining our recurrent tableless template design with tableless overrides of the Joomla core.
Control and flexibility are at the core of the template, from a wide selection of configurations; a high number of module positions; and unique, functional inbuilt features such as the new RokFeature module, the ever popular RokMininews and our integrated menu systems such as RokMoomenu. With stylish typography,javascript extras and an overall amazing design, Mixxmag is the perfect choice for you.
Mixxmag Color Styles Custom Modules Module Positions
* Amazing New RokFeature Module * Dynamic content collapsing and style changing * Integration of the popular RokMininews module * 10 Stunning Preset Professional Styles * Tableless Design with Tableless overrides * 32 Versatile Module Positions * 5 Unique Module Variations * 3 Built-in Menu Systems * Source Adobe PNG Source Files Included * W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
Amazing New RokFeature Module
Mixxmag showcases the new RokFeature module. RokFeature is a sophisticated content slider/rotator. Whether through automation, or manual input, you can scroll through the various articles viewing both a large image with its accompanying text. Hidden panels allow you to showcase both lengthy text items as well as the large image to use your real estate for optimum impact.
Incredibly Flexible and Versatile
Mixxmag offers a wide array of module positions and layout configurations for displaying your content. 32 module positions, collapsing columns and module positions, and a lean css based layout with template overrides that remove Joomla's core output of tables, provide a multitude of layout options. Mixing and matching module positions, module hilite variations, and configuration options allow you to create a great many different looks and layouts with just a single template.
Joomla Template Rockettheme Akiraka 1.5.4 Akiraka introduces that incredibly functional and powerful Color Chooser, an administrator parameter addition that allows you to change the entire style of your site within seconds. This, tied with the fully transparent design and wondrous additions such as RokCandy, RokTabs and RokAjaxSearch sets the stage for unlimited possibilities.
RokCandy, the awesome new component the provides macro type functions to Joomla, circumventing the crude parser of default editors and providing an extra degree of functionality. RokTabs, now a fully independent and versatile module, styled accordingly to match the transparent design of Akiraka.
Features and Screenshots
Akiraka Color Styles Custom Modules Module Positions
* Color Chooser * New RokCandy Component * New RokTabs Module * New RokAjaxSearch Module * New Multi-column Menu * Fully transparent design * 10 Stunning Preset Professional Styles * 32 Versatile Module Positions * W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
Excellent Color Chooser addition
The ever popular Color Chooser has made a return with this months template release. It is now a fully featured admin-based extensions in the template parameters. For the ease and comfort of the Joomla Template Manager.
A selection of over 20 options will greet you in the administrator, with options for both manual input for Hex values as well as a mootools popup color wheel. Making the color scheme of your choice has never been simpler!
Multi-Drop Column Menu
A brand new menu function, the Multiple Drop Column ability. This applies only to MooMenu and Suckerfish and allows for multiple drop down columns instead of the typical single variant. The advanced options with this feature, allow you to choose the number of columns, specify individual menu levels which exhibit the behaviour and restrict the number of columns per row. A truly versatile new feature as showcased on the demo.
Amazing New RokCandy Component
RokCandy is the awesome new component from RocketTheme. It provides essential functionality for creating complicated articles but allowing BBcode type function within Joomla. Pre-configured tags can be set to dynamically change to any HTML option, providing you with a means to circumvent the horrific parsing of the WYSIWYG editor and keep your code-naive clients from utter confusion.
New RokTabs Module
RokTabs, the fully independent and incredible flexible standalone version of the former RokSlide. The module itself is installable into Joomla and can be easier utilised on any template, not just Akiraka. As it name implies, its a tabbed based module to efficiently showcase your content to your visitors.
New RokAjaxSearch Module
RokAjaxSearch brings fantastic search functionality to Joomla, using the powerful and versatile javascript library, Mootools. So, what does the module do? The best description is an example, simple type test in the search box in the upper right of Akiraka and wait ... and a popup will materialise, showcasing the Joomla search results for you.