Joomla template Joomlart JA Nickel
You might have known our corporate templates JA Edenite, JA Mageia, JA Bellatrix etc., this collection now sees a new alternative - JA Nickel! Practically, it serves a business-driven style, thus you can go on your ways to bring a corporate identity online with lots of potential for modifying. Top of that, JA Nickel stays very simple, but clean and modern!
It is worth pointing out that in JA Nickel, we put into use new font embedding technique - Cufon, a text replacement alternative to sIFR that requires no images or Flash. With typography playing such a key role in design, font embedding seems like a basic idea. Cufon enables to include custom fonts in web pages with text rendered in your typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users have that font installed on their systems.
JA Nickel comes along with built-in extensions JA slideshow 2, JA Tabs, JA Bulletin which familiarly become parts of JoomlArt's templates up to date, yet they are rendered in a different interface on the neutral color set base to go with a business-related site.
An Overview of JA Nickel features:
Modern and beautiful web typeface
3 columns layout based template
3 color options: Default, Blue and Red
Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
Joomla 1.5.x compatible
3 Menu options: JA Split menu, JA Css menu, JA Moo menu
XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check it ?
CSS Validates Check it ?
Valid 508 Accessibility
Delivered with source .PSD and FONT files, Demo site sample database and detailed user guide which can be found in JA Nickel downdoad and JA Nickel forum.
Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization
Cross Browser Support
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